Underinsured and Uninsured Claim Lawyers

Underinsured / Uninsured Claims

Although every driver in Michigan is required to have liability insurance, more than 25% of drivers are uninsured. Drivers who do have insurance can also have as little as $50,000 in liability coverage. This means that if you are seriously injured in a motor vehicle crash, there is a real possibility that the at-fault driver will not have adequate insurance coverage to be able to compensate you for your losses. Additionally, if you are involved in a hit-and-run crash and cannot identify who the fleeing driver was, you will not be able to bring a lawsuit to seek compensation for your injuries. Hit-and-run crashes are more common than most people think, making up about 10% of all crashes in Michigan.

The solution to these realities is uninsured and underinsured insurance. This is optional coverage that you can add to your car insurance policy. If you are injured in a crash where the at-fault driver has no insurance or cannot be found, uninsured motorist coverage will allow you to recover the damages you would have pursued from that uninsured driver from your own insurance company. If you are injured in a crash and your damages are more than the at-fault driver’s policy will cover, underinsured motorist coverage will make up the difference.

We’ll Get You The Compensation You Deserve

Unfortunately, insurance companies generally impose a number of hurdles you must jump through before they will pay these benefits, and they often wrongfully deny their own insureds’ claims. The attorneys at Gruel Mills are experienced in helping those injured in motor vehicle crashes recover uninsured or underinsured benefits from their own insurers. If you or a loved one has been injured by an uninsured or underinsured driver, it is best to hire an experienced attorney who can help you obtain the best possible recovery from this insurance coverage.

To schedule a free, no-obligation evaluation of your underinsured or uninsured motorist case with one of our experienced attorneys, please contact us online or call us at 616-235-5500. We handle all motor vehicle-related cases on a contingency basis, which means you do not have to pay for our services unless we recover money for you.

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    Suite 800
    Grand Rapids, MI 49503
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