Car Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you love were in a recent car accident, do not wait.

We may call them car accidents, but the truth is that in most cases when passenger cars, trucks, or SUVs collide, one of the drivers was at fault. Crashes are almost always the result of a driver not paying adequate attention to the road or violating traffic rules. No matter how careful you are when driving, you face the risk of other negligent drivers on the road every time you get in the car.

In 2022, there were more than 293,000 crashes on Michigan roads. About 20,000 of those crashes occurred in Kent County, which is the county in Michigan with the fourth highest number of crashes. Statewide, these crashes resulted in more than 1,000 people losing their lives and more than 70,000 people being injured in 2022.

Gruel Mills Nims & Pylman PLLC: Helping Car Accident Victims Fight for What They Deserve

Michigan has a no-fault system of car insurance. This means that in most cases, drivers and passengers who are in a crash are entitled to recover certain economic benefits from their own car insurance company or under the policy of a relative who lives with them, regardless of who was at fault for the collision. These benefits, often called Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or first-party benefits, include payment of some or all of your medical bills, wage loss for up to three years if you cannot work, and compensation for those who help take care of you at home or do household tasks that you cannot perform due to your injuries. If your insurance company does not promptly pay these benefits following a crash, it may be necessary to bring a lawsuit against it.

Although our law is called a no-fault system, that does not mean it never matters who caused the crash. If a person is seriously injured, disfigured, or killed in a car crash, a lawsuit can be brought against the driver who was at fault. This suit allows the injured person or their family to seek non-economic damages for pain and suffering and any monetary damages that were not covered by their no-fault insurer.

If you or a loved one were injured in a car crash, the experienced personal injury lawyers at Gruel Mills can help hold the driver responsible for the crash accountable. For more than 35 years, we have helped injured motorists recover the no-fault benefits they are entitled to by law and the maximum possible compensation from at-fault drivers. When you have Gruel Mills on your side, you can focus on healing while we handle all of the investigation, paperwork, and negotiations with insurance companies.

To schedule a free, no-obligation evaluation of your case with one of our experienced car crash attorneys, please contact us online or call us at 616-235-5500. We handle all car crash cases on a contingency basis, which means you do not have to pay for our services unless we recover money for you.

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    Grand Rapids, MI 49503
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