Liquor Liability Lawyer

Liquor Liability

Restaurants and bars have a duty not to serve alcohol to anyone who is already visibly intoxicated or underage. If the restaurant or bar continues to provide alcohol to the intoxicated or underage person and that person causes injury to an innocent third party, the restaurant may be held liable.

An adult must be cut off if their intoxication is apparent to an ordinary observer, while any amount of alcohol provided to a minor subjects the business to liability. This type of liability often arises when a drunk patron leaves a bar or restaurant, drives drunk, and causes a motor vehicle collision, but it is not limited to this situation.

Receive Full and Fair Compensation for Your Injury

If you are injured in a crash caused by a drunk driver, the experienced attorneys at Gruel Mills can help you piece together the at-fault driver’s actions before the crash to determine if they were overserved. Identifying every liable party increases the chances of getting full and fair compensation for your injuries.

While you focus on healing from your injuries, Gruel Mills will interview witnesses, review video footage, scour social media, and find other evidence to support your claim.

If you or a loved one has been injured by an intoxicated person or drunk driver, contact the attorneys at Gruel Mills today. We have significant experience in these types of claims, called “dram shop” claims, and will ensure that you get the best possible recovery.

To schedule a free, no-obligation evaluation of your dram shop claim with one of our experienced attorneys, please contact us online or call us at 616-235-5500. We handle dram shop cases on a contingency basis, which means you do not have to pay for our services unless we recover money for you.

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    Grand Rapids, MI 49503
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