Burn Injury Lawyer

Burn Injuries

Severe burns can be some of the worst injuries, causing physical, emotional, and financial consequences that last a lifetime. Not only are the burns themselves incredibly painful, but the treatments are equally as painful and the injuries can be disfiguring and debilitating even when fully healed. Burns are one of the most expensive types of injuries to treat, often requiring repeated surgeries, skin grafting, plastic surgery to address scarring, and physical or occupational therapy to regain use of the burned area. Some burn victims also require therapy to address the toll burns can have on a person’s self-image due to scarring.

You May Be Eligible for Compensation for Your Burn Injury

Burns can be caused by fires, explosions, chemical exposure, hot surfaces, electrical accidents, and more. If another person’s recklessness or carelessness causes you to suffer a burn, they can be held liable for the extensive medical and personal consequences of their negligent actions. Examples include a manufacturer who does not follow safety protocols for storing chemicals and causes its employees to be exposed, a defective product or home with faulty wiring leading to a fire, or a motor vehicle collision resulting in a fire.

If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury due to someone else’s actions, contact the skilled attorneys at Gruel Mills today. We have experience pursuing all types of burn injury claims, and we will guide you through the process and ensure that you get the best possible recovery that will aid you in recovering and rebuilding your life.

To schedule a free, no-obligation evaluation of your burn injury claim with one of our experienced attorneys, please contact us online or call us at 616-235-5500. We handle these cases on a contingency basis, which means you do not have to pay for our services unless we recover money for you.

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