When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

April 10th, 2023 by Stacey

Your primary concern after a car accident should be recovering from your injuries; focus on seeing a doctor and treating your trauma. However, you may quickly feel overwhelmed by how you will pay for the costs of your care and your return to normal life.

If your injury was caused by someone else being negligent or your insurance company is not readily paying your bills, you should hire an experienced attorney immediately after your car accident. This will give you the strongest possible chance of securing the money you need to support your recovery. Car accident lawyers exist to help injured car accident victims like you. Their job is to handle every aspect of the process of obtaining compensation for the harm you’ve suffered.

Top Five Reasons to Hire a Lawyer Immediately

When hiring a lawyer after a car accident, you have no time to waste. Here are the top five reasons to hire a lawyer immediately after you get hurt in a crash.

1. You Have Legal Deadlines to Meet and the Clock is Ticking

When to Hire an Attorney After a Car AccidentA law known as the statute of limitations sets an expiration date on your right to receive compensation for your injuries. In most cases, a failure to take legal action before that deadline results in the permanent loss of your rights to pursue a claim for damages against an at-fault party and that party’s insurance company.

The statute of limitations for a car accident claim in Michigan is three years. However, there are a few exceptions and conditions that can affect the length of the statute of limitations period. Those legal quirks can drastically expand or shrink your window of opportunity to pursue a claim.

In addition to the statute of limitations, other deadlines may also affect your rights. For example, many insurers require that you notify them within weeks or days to preserve your right to receive payments under your or someone else’s insurance policy. Michigan law also prevents you from suing an insurance company if you wait more than one year after the insurer denies your claim. Even more, you must give notice to certain parties—such as government entities—within weeks or months if you want to hold them accountable for causing your car accident.

Hiring a car accident lawyer immediately after you get hurt in a crash protects you against missing one of these all-important deadlines. Lawyers for car accident victims possess a detailed understanding of the potential time limitations you may face and know the actions you must take to protect your rights and get you paid.

2. Your Medical Debts and Other Expenses Will Keep Piling Up

Life can get expensive after you suffer injuries in a car accident. If you suffered serious injuries, the cost of your medical care is astounding. Transportation and household expenses tend to rise after an accident because victims often need help getting around, running errands, keeping house, or caring for children. Your injuries from a car accident can also keep you out of work, which only compounds your financial strain.

Because Michigan is a no-fault state, these costs are generally covered by your own automobile insurer – although there are many exceptions and limitations to these benefits. If your insurer unreasonably delays or refuses to pay your claims, it is unlikely that they will ever pay unless you hire a lawyer to pursue the money you need to cover your medical bills and other expenses. A lawyer may also be able to help you recover money for the expenses that are not covered by your no-fault insurance, such as long term wage loss or medical expenses if you have chosen a lower-limit policy.

3. Car Accident Cases Rarely Age Well if You Don’t Pursue Them Immediately

Even if you meet applicable deadlines, the passage of time can still undermine the value of your car accident case. That’s because receiving compensation for your car accident injuries usually requires collecting and presenting evidence to prove what happened, who was to blame, and why you deserve payment for your injuries. As time passes, much of that evidence becomes increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.

Skilled lawyers often build a car accident case based on accident reports, photographs, videos, and witness testimony. But documents and visual evidence tend to go missing as days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, after your accident. Witnesses also tend to begin to forget important details the further they get from the events in question.

The evidence to support your car accident claim, in other words, will almost always lose some of its strength as time wears on. Consequently, holes and gaps can start to appear in your case. It can become increasingly difficult to prove, and defense lawyers and insurance companies may assign it a lower value than it would have had if you had pursued it straight away.

By hiring an attorney immediately, you can end the corrosive effect of time on your car accident claim. A seasoned car accident lawyer can quickly begin collecting and assembling the evidence in your case, preventing the loss of critical facts and potentially boosting the value of your case by a significant amount.

4. Dealing Directly With Insurance Representatives Puts You at Risk

Insurance coverage plays a role in the aftermath of every car accident in Michigan. Michigan law requires that all drivers carry liability insurance in case they cause an accident. Every insurance policy in Michigan must also provide no-fault benefits, called Personal Injury Protection or PIP benefits, that covers some or all of your medical care and other immediate expenses.

The critical importance of insurance in car accident cases makes you, the injured victim, someone insurance companies will probably want to interview. But the insurance company is not necessarily on your side. They want to pay out the least amount they can for your claim. The more severely you were injured, the more they are likely to try to push back on paying your bills and damages.

You probably need to notify your carrier of the accident to preserve your right to receive the coverage you paid for. Just stick to the facts of what happened—the who, where, and when of the crash. If you have been severely injured, you may want a car accident lawyer to do this for you.

You can, and in most cases should, avoid contact with other people’s insurance companies, especially if their policyholders might have caused the car accident that left you injured. These insurers may have a legal obligation to pay your damages. If they try to contact you, take that as a signal they recognize their financial exposure and hope to find some reason to deny you your due.

Immediately hiring an experienced car accident lawyer after your accident is the easiest and most foolproof way to avoid the pitfalls of dealing directly with insurance companies. An attorney can take over all communications with any insurance carriers who have an interest in your case. By doing so, the attorney protects your rights, advocates for your interests, and relieves you of the stress and burden of worrying about what to say or not say when insurance adjusters start calling.

5. You Need Help Making Decisions Affecting Your Future

Many car accident victims feel paralyzed by the prospect of making the wrong decisions about their care, insurance, finances, job, schooling, and other subjects that affect their wellbeing and future. Poor choices or misguided assumptions can only deepen their physical, emotional, and financial struggles. And it doesn’t help that those decisions often involve complex topics that can be difficult to understand.

A skilled lawyer can help. In addition to working hard to get you paid, an attorney also serves as a trusted advisor during a difficult time of your life. Having represented many individuals in situations like yours, the attorneys at Gruel Mills understand your challenges and can guide you in making the right choices to meet your needs and priorities.

In other words, hiring an attorney after a car accident ensures you’re not alone. You have someone on your side who acts only in your best interests and gives you confidence in your recovery.

Hiring a Lawyer Won’t Cost You a Penny

It’s easy to start working with a lawyer on your car accident injury case. The accident injury lawyers at Gruel Mills offer a free consultation at which they can explore legal rights and options with the crash victim and the victim’s loved ones. This meeting is free even if the victim decides not to hire the lawyer.

If you hire a lawyer after that initial consultation, you will not need to worry about how to afford their services. We work on these cases on a contingent fee basis. That means we only get paid for our work if we are able to reach a settlement or verdict in your favor.

We will not charge you upfront fees or bill you hundreds of dollars per hour. Instead, at the beginning of your case, we will sign an agreement to work for you in exchange for a percentage of the money we recover for you. This is called a contingent fee. That agreement gives car accident attorneys an incentive to win for you since their fee is contingent on the outcome of your case.

The same goes for how you and the lawyer will handle the running costs of your case, such as expert witness fees and travel expenses. We generally agree to pay those costs and obtain reimbursement from any winnings in your case. Or, if you have the financial resources, you can decide to pay those costs yourself. If your case is not successful, these are the only costs you may have to pay.

The bottom line is that hiring a lawyer does not cost you anything and you will not need to pay them for their work unless or until the lawyer secures compensation for your injuries and losses.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Today

For these reasons, you should hire a skilled, experienced personal injury lawyer immediately after getting hurt in a car accident. Your rights, health, finances, and future may depend on a lawyer taking quick action on your behalf. That is why it is never too early to have a lawyer on your side.

So do not delay a minute longer. If you or someone you love suffered injuries in a car accident, contact the knowledgeable attorneys at Gruel Mills today for your free case evaluation. Without spending a penny, you can secure the services of an attorney who will fight to get you the money you need to pay for your care, replace your lost income, and rebuild your life.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

April 10th, 2023 by Stacey

Personal injury claims generally arise when someone is injured due to another person’s negligence. That is, the negligent party did not act as a reasonable person would have under the circumstances by exercising common sense and good judgment. Because courts cannot heal injuries or go back in time to prevent them, the injured person is compensated with a sum of money. A successful personal injury claim allows the injured person to recover money for purposes such as to pay medical bills, replace wages if they cannot work, or make amends for the pain and suffering they have experienced.

If you were injured, you may be thinking about whether you should bring a personal injury lawsuit. Hiring a lawyer who has expertise in personal injury is the best way to determine whether you should bring a lawsuit and ensure you get the best possible outcome for any claims you pursue.

What Personal Injury Cases Do Lawyers Handle?

When to Hire a Personal Injury LawyerThere are many types of personal injury claims. Unintentional injuries account for  97.9 million visits to the emergency room and are the fourth highest cause of death in the United States. When those injuries were caused by another person’s negligence, they may be the basis for a personal injury lawsuit. The most common causes of personal injury include:

Car, Truck, Motorcycle, or other Vehicle Accidents

One of the most common causes of personal injury is negligent driving. At Gruel Mills, we have extensive experience with accidents involving cars, SUVs, trucks, semi-trailer trucks, farm equipment, buses, taxis, ride sharing vehicles, motorcycles, pedestrians, off-road vehicles, boats, and bicyclists. Michigan’s No-Fault law governs most of these cases and controls when a negligence lawsuit can be filed.

Medical Malpractice

More than 1 in 10 patients are harmed in the course of their medical care, and half of those injuries are preventable. Medical malpractice generally arises from the failure to diagnose a disease or condition, a mistake during surgery, other improper treatment, or adverse drug events. Other cases arise from adverse reactions or improper use of anesthesia, lack of informed consent, or improper monitoring. If you suspect a doctor failed to treat you properly, consult a personal injury lawyer at Gruel Mills. We can let you know if you have a case and what you can do next.

Product Liability

Dangerous products can cause injury, either because they have a dangerous design or something went wrong when it was manufactured.  In product liability cases, manufacturers and sellers are potentially liable for injuries. These cases frequently arise from defective medical devices, such as hip or knee replacements, implants, mesh, and other objects that stay in the body. We work to hold irresponsible manufacturers liable for injuries caused by a dangerous or defective product.

Slip and Falls

Annually, over 8 million people have to receive emergency room treatment for a fall, and 1 million of those are from slip and fall accidents. Landowners have different duties to trespassers, social guests, and those who visit their premises for business purposes regarding what they must do to protect people from falls and other dangers on their land. Slip and falls can result in serious injuries.

Dog Bites

Although most dogs are beloved members of our families, occasionally a dog will attack and injure an innocent bystander. Michigan law holds dog owners liable for such attacks so long as the dog was not provoked.

Work Site Injuries

Construction sites, factories, and distribution hubs can be dangerous places. Michigan’s Workers’ Compensation law limits negligence claims against a direct employer, but in some circumstances successful claims can be made against an employer or third parties who were present on the scene.

There are only a few of the types of claims that cause personal injury. At Gruel Mills, we have experience in helping people who have been injured in many different ways. Contact us if you think you may have a personal injury claim.

What Personal Injury Attorneys Do

Personal injury attorneys handle various duties when they work on a lawsuit. What they do depends on the nature of the case. The lawyer’s duties generally include:

  • Investigate claims. Before a personal injury lawyer takes on a new client, they examine the claim. They want to know if the person has a valid case and what the damages are, to determine if filing the case will be worthwhile for the client.
  • Issue the demand letter. After a lawyer accepts a claim, they generally send a demand letter to the defendant or their insurance company. This document explains the facts of the accident and how much the defendant owes in damages.
  • Gather evidence. Personal injury cases center on the existence of negligence. To prove negligence, the plaintiff has to have supporting evidence. An attorney collects photos, video footage, witness statements, and other evidence to help prove your case.
  • Handle the discovery process. A personal injury lawsuit may enter the discovery phase if both sides could not agree to a deal before the complaint is filed. The plaintiff’s lawyer sends requests to the defendant for specific information and reviews information disclosed by the defendant. They may conduct depositions of the parties and witnesses to determine what those people know.
  • Negotiate with insurers. Lawyers often have to negotiate with insurance companies to secure a fair settlement. They have experience with adjusters and can protect clients from accepting unfairly low offers. Attorneys have a 95 percent success rate in settling before a trial.

Your attorney deals with most of the legal aspects of your claim. Meanwhile, you can focus most of your attention on recovering from your injuries.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you think you may have a personal injury claim, you should find an attorney to represent you immediately. The right time to hire a lawyer is shortly after the accident. There are many benefits to getting an attorney involved in your case as soon as possible.

Every claim has a statute of limitations, which is the deadline for when a claim must be filed. Many types of claims also have deadlines for when the defendant must be put on notice of the injury and impending suit. If these deadlines are missed, the injured party loses the right to compensation. An experienced personal injury lawyer will make sure that the lawsuit and any necessary notices are timely issued if they are aware of your claim in time.

Furthermore, the earlier an attorney is involved, the more time they have to gather evidence and build your case. If there are only a few months left before the statute of limitations, it may not be possible to gather all of the evidence in time, or some of it could have been lost or forgotten. Your attorney has the best chance to create a strong case if they are involved from the very beginning.

Signs You Need to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

You may not need an attorney to make a straightforward claim to an insurance company, but most people will benefit from an attorney’s involvement in a personal injury case.

A few signs you could need a personal injury lawyer are:

  • Liability disputes. It may be unclear in some instances which party is at fault for your injuries and thus liable for your damages. Defendants may point the finger at other people or claim that you were at fault for your own injuries. If this happens, lawyers will thoroughly investigate the case and collect evidence to establish who is liable.
  • Multiple negligent parties. A lawsuit could take longer and become more complicated if more than one party contributed to the accident. We have experience negotiating among multiple parties in these cases.
  • The insurance company applies pressure. Insurance adjusters may try to pressure and intimidate claimants into accepting a low settlement offer. An insurer may try to convince you to give recorded statements or conduct surveillance on you. Insurers use these and other tactics to minimize the amount they will need to pay on a claim, and a lawyer can shield you from them.
  • Severe injuries. A personal injury accident can leave a person with severe bodily harm or permanent injuries. As a result, the claim usually involves future expected costs and non-economic damages. Attorneys can help ensure you receive the maximum value of your case and that your future needs are taken care of.

If you are unsure if you need a personal injury lawyer, go ahead and schedule a free consultation with Gruel Mills. You can learn valuable information about your claim with no obligation.

Reasons to Have an Attorney by Your Side

Maximum Compensation

The expertise of a personal injury lawyer can benefit a case immensely. One reason to obtain the services of a lawyer is to maximize compensation. Many factors go into settlement calculations. Lawyers know what can increase or decrease the value of a claim.

Additionally, the worth of non-economic damages is not simple for someone to figure out. Multiple formulas exist to find an estimate for damages like mental anguish. Your personal injury lawyer understands the best way to get the highest recovery.

Hiring the Right Expert Witnesses

During litigation, you may require the help of an expert witness. An expert witness could be an accident reconstruction specialist or another doctor. The defendant can hire their own experts. Therefore, you need to choose the right person to bolster your claim.

Personal injury attorneys know how to locate the expert witnesses a client’s case needs. They help plaintiffs with the selection process as well. While not every case requires an expert witness, a lawyer can hire the right person if your claim calls for one.

Help With the Settlement Process

While most lawsuits do not reach the courtroom, a person should still have a lawyer around for the settlement. The settlement process is not easy, and an attorney knows how to navigate it. They can think quickly during negotiations to secure you a fair deal.

Furthermore, your personal injury lawyer can evaluate a settlement offer to see if it covers all your losses. The defendant might have left out specific damages in their calculations, but an attorney can spot the missing expenses. Your lawyer works hard to protect your best interests.

Qualities to Look For in a Personal Injury Lawyer


It is important to find a personal injury lawyer who feels like a good fit.

Important characteristics for attorneys include professionalism, compassion, empathy, and understanding. You should feel like a person rather than just another case to settle when you are with your attorney.

Prompt Communication

Communication is necessary during the litigation process. A good lawyer will explain the litigation process, the legal jargon involved, and the possible outcomes of the case.

Additionally, you should find a personal injury attorney who is responsive when you have questions. They should provide answers promptly. Moreover, the right lawyer will communicate with you if your claim experiences any progress.

Trial Experience

Another aspect of a qualified personal injury lawyer is experience with trials. While most lawsuits ultimately settle, there is still a chance that your claim will go to trial. Therefore, you need an attorney who knows how to fight for clients in the courtroom to ensure you get the best possible outcome.

History of Success

The personal injury lawyer you hire should have a successful track record. They should have handled plenty of claims like yours and negotiated significant settlements. They must be able to explain what possible strategies could be effective for your case. You should feel like you can trust your attorney to work toward the best potential outcome in your case.

During the initial consultation, you can ask about the lawyer’s track record. Law firm websites often contain information regarding the lawyer’s past cases, as well as client testimonials and case results.


Another necessary quality in an attorney is integrity. You should be able to trust them to keep the details of your case safe and confidential. Furthermore, your lawyer needs to be honest and never make false promises.

You can find a different firm if you believe your lawyer does not live up to your standards. Plaintiffs can usually switch attorneys at any time if necessary.

How Do You Pay Personal Injury Lawyers?

When people think of lawyer fees, they may imagine paying a couple of hundred dollars an hour or paying a multi-thousand-dollar retainer. Firms in other practice areas of law may charge expensive hourly rates or require a retainer. However, most personal injury attorneys do not. Instead, contingency fee agreements are common in personal injury cases.

A contingency fee is a method of payment where the lawyer takes a portion of a client’s compensation if and when the case is successful. You do not have to pay anything up front or by the hour, and you do not pay your attorney at all unless or until you win your case. The amount of money may vary, but most personal injury attorneys are paid one third of the settlement. You may also be responsible for paying costs and expenses of litigation out of the settlement or judgment.

Your lawyer should explain in detail during the initial consultation how they expect you to pay for their services.

How to Prepare for a Consultation

A consultation takes place before you and your lawyer decide to work together on your claim. The attorney reviews some of the facts to see if it would be in your best interests to pursue the claim. Before the initial meeting, it is helpful to gather several essential documents to prepare: bring any medical records and bills, pay stubs, insurance claim forms, and a police report if you have one. If you took photos of the accident or injury, you should bring them to the meeting as well.

You do not need to have every document in hand before a consultation; your attorney can subpoena more information when the lawsuit is filed. However, the attorney can provide a better understanding of the situation if they have more information to review. Contact a personal injury attorney today if you think you may have a case.

What Are the Most Common Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents?

April 10th, 2023 by Stacey

Millions of motor vehicle accidents happen every year in the United States. Many of the collisions result in severe or fatal injuries. When the other driver was at fault for the crash, these crash victims are entitled to financial compensation.

Let’s review the most common types of motor vehicle accidents and how a skilled car accident attorney can help seek money damages for individuals who suffer harm.

The Most Common Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents

No matter where a motor vehicle occurs or what types of vehicles it involves, it most likely has a human error-related cause and the potential to cause severe harm. Here is a review of the most common types of these preventable, dangerous incidents.

Rear-End Collisions

Around 1.7 million rear-end collisions happen annually in the United States, making them the most common type of motor vehicle accident. Rear-end crashes generally happen because the driver of the trailing vehicle fails to slow or stop in time to avoid a collision with the leading vehicle, often because the trailing driver was speeding, following too close, or was distracted behind the wheel.

Although they are usually seen as minor fender benders, rear-end accidents can cause severe trauma and expense. Always consult with a trained medical professional after getting into a rear-end accident, even if you think you escaped it without injury. Many common rear-end accident injuries, like concussions or neck and shoulder soft tissue damage (a.k.a. whiplash), may not cause immediate symptoms but will start to cause pain and limitations in the next few days. These kinds of injuries can seriously disrupt your life if you do not receive prompt care.

Side Impact (a.k.a. T-Bone or Angular) Accidents

What Are the Most Common Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents?As the name suggests, a side impact collision occurs when the front of one vehicle collides with the broadside of another. These accidents most commonly occur at intersections. They often happen because a driver ignores a stop sign or signal or fails to pay attention to crossing traffic. These crashes can also result from poor road designs that confuse motorists.

Side impact accidents can inflict catastrophic injuries to crash victims, given the opposing forces at work and the relative lack of protection from the vehicle’s thin side doors. Occupants of the vehicle struck broadside frequently sustain the most severe harm, which can include devastating spinal cord injuries and brain trauma. The safety features of most motor vehicles fail to protect drivers and passengers as effectively against the angular, twisting forces of a side impact compared to those involved in a frontal crash.

Head-on Collisions

Head-on crashes, in which vehicles collide from opposite directions, are not as common as rear-ends and side impacts. Yet, they constitute some of the most violent road accidents because many happen at high speed when a vehicle veers into an oncoming lane or travels in the wrong direction on a limited access highway. Drowsy driving and drunk driving frequently play a role in causing these accidents.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), head-on collisions are the most consistently deadly accidents, accounting for roughly 28.6 percent of multi-vehicle crash fatalities annually. Individuals who survive these accidents can sustain life-altering injuries, including severe orthopedic injuries and vital organ damage.

Sideswipe Accidents

In a sideswipe accident, the sides of two vehicles make contact. Many sideswipes happen on multi-lane highways or at merges, often due to drivers failing to check their blind spots before changing lanes. These crashes can also occur on roads with one lane running in each direction or on narrow one-way streets when drivers lose focus and allow their vehicles to drift across the center line or towards parallel parked vehicles.

Because sideswipe collisions often involve only a glancing impact between two vehicles, they tend not to cause severe injuries if both drivers stay in control. Unfortunately, many sideswipes trigger a loss of control and lead to secondary accidents resulting in severe injuries and fatalities. For example, a sideswipe can push one vehicle into an oncoming lane where a head-on collision can occur, or could cause a vehicle to leave the roadway or roll over.

Single-Vehicle Accidents

According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), single-vehicle accidents constitute about a third of all crashes annually in the United States. About half of single-vehicle crashes involve collisions with a fixed object, such as a tree, roadside ditch, or telephone pole. The other half of these crashes involve collisions with non-fixed objects, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and parked motor vehicles. Rollover accidents account for a small percentage of these crashes also.

Single vehicle accidents can cause severe injuries and fatalities. Vehicle occupants commonly suffer catastrophic trauma in collisions with fixed objects and rollovers, which can destroy a vehicle in much the same way as head-on and T-bone collisions. Non-fixed object collisions frequently cause significant harm to individuals struck by motor vehicles, who do not have any protection from a much larger vehicle.

Common Vehicle-Specific Accidents

The five types of accidents discussed above describe the general ways most motor vehicles crashes occur. Now let’s take a look at a few common types of accidents that typically involve specific classes of motor vehicles.

Motorcycle Collisions With Left-Turning Vehicles

Experienced motorcyclists know that one of the greatest hazards confronting them on the road is the risk of a car, truck, or bus turning left into their path. According to the NHTSA, 42 percent of fatal motorcycle accidents involve a collision with a left-turning vehicle. Many of these crashes happen at intersections and on roads with left-turn lanes.

Several factors may explain these collisions. Motorcycles have a relatively small profile relative to other vehicles. A driver may not see a motorcycle approaching in an oncoming traffic lane if, for example, it is behind a truck that blocks the driver’s view.

Scientists have also documented a phenomenon known as inattentional blindness that can contribute to collisions between motorcycles and left-turning vehicles. This is a psychological quirk in which a driver’s brain fails to register a motorcycle approaching in plain sight. Researchers believe the driver’s brain may ignore the motorcycle because of its small size relative to other vehicles.

Large Truck Override/Underride Accidents

Large trucks are massive machines, and their cargo trailers have high ground clearance. These features can present hazards for low-profile cars and other small vehicles, which the larger vehicle can run over.

Override accidents—in which a truck runs over a smaller vehicle—can happen when a truck turns across or merges into a lane already occupied by a smaller car. They can also happen when a truck rear-ends a smaller vehicle at high speed. Underride accidents—involving a car becoming trapped under a truck trailer—can also occur when a truck turns or changes lanes, or when a small car rear-ends a truck.

Override and underride accidents frequently destroy smaller vehicles, causing catastrophic and fatal injuries.

Large Truck Jackknife Accidents

Another type of accident unique to big rigs occurs when a cargo trailer folds against the tractor truck towing it like the blade of a pocket knife. This “jackknifing” of truck and trailer can happen when a truck’s brakes fail to slow the momentum of a fully loaded trailer. This can also happen on slippery roads where a truck and trailer suddenly become unaligned.

Regardless of what causes a jackknife, it often results in an extremely dangerous situation. A truck driver loses all control when his tractor-trailer jackknifes. The truck transforms into a runaway bulldozer, sweeping up all vehicles and objects in its path until friction or a collision stops it. The truck and trailer can come to rest blocking the entire road, leading other cars to collide with it due to bad road conditions or poor visibility. Jackknife accidents commonly cause widespread property damage and severe injuries to occupants of other vehicles.

Truck and SUV Rollover Accidents

Box trucks, tractor trailers, and sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) have relatively high centers of gravity compared to other cars and trucks. That feature can make them more susceptible to rolling over. Many rollover accidents result in fatal injuries to drivers and other vehicle occupants, particularly if the people in the vehicle are not wearing their seatbelts.

Truck and SUV rollovers often occur on road curves, such as highway on/off ramps, where lateral forces can cause a vehicle to tip. Rollovers can also happen when an SUV turns sharply to avoid a road hazard, or on slippery roads that can cause a vehicle to spin and begin sliding sideways in the direction of travel.

No Matter the Type of Accident, an Experienced Lawyer Can Help

As described above, human error plays a role in causing most motor vehicle accidents. Injured accident victims thus generally have a legal right to seek compensation for their losses. In the tragic case of a fatality from a motor vehicle accident, the surviving spouses and family members of the victim also have a right to compensation.

The most reliable way to obtain compensation for the harm done by a motor vehicle accident is to hire an experienced attorney. The parties at fault for a crash and their insurers will generally work hard to avoid their legal and financial responsibility. Injured victims need someone on their side fighting to hold those parties accountable.

Lawyers Identify Liable Parties

In most motor vehicle accident cases, your lawyer must figure out what happened and who bears the blame. A skilled lawyer can dig into the details and identify the individuals, businesses, and other entities who might owe money damages to an injured victim.

In the typical case, liable parties might include:

  • An at-fault motorist who engaged in careless or reckless conduct behind the wheel that led to a crash.
  • The owner of the vehicle being driven by the at-fault driver
  • The employer of a motorist who triggered an accident while driving a work vehicle.
  • The manufacturer of a defective vehicle or vehicle part that caused a crash.
  • A bar or restaurant that served alcohol to a minor or obviously intoxicated individual who went on to cause a drunk driving accident.
  • A government entity that contributed to the cause of a motor vehicle accident by unreasonably failing to repair and maintain safe roads.

These are just a few examples. Every motor vehicle accident involves a unique set of facts and circumstances for a lawyer to analyze. In many cases, multiple parties may owe financial compensation to an injured victim. A skilled lawyer can identify the liable parties and take the necessary steps to hold them accountable.

Lawyers Pursue Compensation for Motor Vehicle Accident Victims

Having identified the liable parties, lawyers for motor vehicle accident victims take steps to secure financial compensation for the victims’ losses. The amount and type of compensation can vary from case to case.

Lawyers can help you seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses related to treating accident-related injuries;
  • The cost of goods and services victims need to help them live with and adapt to their injuries;
  • Wages victims do not earn while missing work because of an injury;
  • Income victims will not receive in the future because of their injuries;
  • The intangible value of the victim’s pain, suffering, inconvenience, loss of independence, and diminished quality of life.

In some states, lawyers can also convince a court to award the victim extra money in the form of punitive damages, which aim to punish the at-fault party’s misconduct. However, punitive damages are not permitted in Michigan.

There are no guarantees of receiving compensation in a motor vehicle accident injury case, but the most reliable way to secure payment for your injuries and losses is to hire an experienced attorney with a strong reputation and a track record of success in motor vehicle accident cases.

Don’t Wait to Contact a Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

You have no time to lose after a motor vehicle crash if you want to protect your rights. The sooner you hire a skilled lawyer to represent you, the better your chances of receiving sufficient compensation to pay your expenses and recover from your trauma. If you wait too long to retain an experienced attorney, you could lose your rights to compensation altogether.

The experienced auto accident attorneys at Gruel Mills will meet with you free of charge to discuss your motor vehicle accident and your options for seeking compensation. We will represent you on a contingent fee basis, which means you do not have to pay any kind of retainer or hourly fee. Rather, we only get paid if we recover compensation for you.

If you or someone you love sustained injuries in a motor vehicle accident, you may have valuable rights to protect. To learn more about the possibility of securing compensation, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer at Gruel Mills today.

What Happens if a Construction Worker Gets Hurt on the Job?

April 10th, 2023 by Stacey

Employment in the construction industry has seen a double-digit increase in the last decade. Unfortunately, injuries to workers during this time have also increased. The construction industry is one of the most dangerous places to work in the U.S.

When construction workers get hurt on the job, their employer’s workers’ compensation policy often covers them. It will pay for the medical expenses associated with their treatment, plus wage replacement while they recover from their injury.  Reach out to a construction accident lawyer.The workers’ compensation benefits are the only remedy you have against your employer in most cases. However, there may be other parties who were responsible for causing your injury. In that case, you may be able to recover more money to cover your damages in a personal injury claim.

Here is a look at what happens if a construction worker gets hurt.

The Worker Obtains Medical Treatment for Their Injuries

What Happens if a Construction Worker Gets Hurt on the Job?Construction sites feature innumerable hazards for workers, including the risk of falling, being struck by equipment, fires and explosions, transportation accidents, electrocution, and more. Workers injured at the job site are encouraged to seek immediate medical treatment for their injury. If the injury is serious and the worker becomes incapacitated, this medical treatment often begins with an ambulance ride.

However, even if the worker does not believe he or she is seriously injured, it is still important to seek treatment for all injuries. This ensures the injury is not more serious than initially thought and provides medical documentation of the injury.

Can the Worker Pick Their Physician?

Each state has laws regarding whether a worker injured in a job-related accident can choose their physician. In Michigan, for example, the injured worker’s employer may pick the physician that treats the worker for the first 28 days of treatment. If treatment is ongoing after that point, the worker can choose where they obtain treatment. If the worker decides to change physicians, they must provide written notice to their employer and their workers’ compensation insurer.

You File a Claim

Workers are required to report their injury as soon as possible to the employer. The employer must then file a claim with the provider of their workers’ compensation policy. If the employer refuses to file the claim, the injured worker can make a claim within two years of the date of the injury.

Michigan has a seven-day waiting period before wage-loss benefits begin. If the injury lasts longer than 14 days—including holidays and weekends—the worker may recover the compensation they would have earned during the seven-day waiting period. Wage loss benefits typically are around 80 percent of the worker’s after-tax wages.

Can the Claim Be Denied?

Workers’ compensation is a form of no-fault insurance, making the benefits available to workers injured on the job regardless of who was at fault for the accident. However, it doesn’t cover every injury.

Workers’ compensation insurance can deny claims because:

  • The employer believes that the injury sustained by the worker didn’t happen at work. Workers’ compensation is not available if you injured yourself at home, en route to work, or while taking an off-site break.
  • The worker failed to notify their employer of the injury promptly.
  • The worker sought treatment from an unapproved physician, or the treatment was deemed unnecessary by the insurance provider.
  • The employer or insurer believes you deliberately caused the injury to collect workers’ compensation benefits.
  • The injury occurred due to horseplay, or the worker was intoxicated at the time of the injury.

If the workers’ compensation provider denies the claim, they must inform the worker and provide information about how the employer can appeal that decision.

When a Construction Site Accident Results in a Personal Injury Claim

By providing workers’ compensation insurance, employers can avoid a lawsuit when a worker is injured by negligence on the job site. However, certain accidents can occur on construction sites that can lead to a personal injury claim. These accidents involve third-party liability.

Third-party liability refers to circumstances when an on-the-job accident is caused due to negligence by a party who is not the injured worker’s employer or co-worker. Examples of third-party liability that can result in a personal injury claim after a construction worker gets hurt on the job include:

  • Transportation accidents, such as a traffic accident in a work zone caused by a negligent driver that injured a construction worker.
  • Injuries incurred by a subcontracted employee resulting from negligence by the general contractor or by a worker from another company.
  • Accidents resulting from a defective product, including defective vehicle parts or equipment.

What Is the Personal Injury Claims Process?

Like workers’ compensation, personal injury claims generally begin as a claim against an insurance policy. You may file third-party claims against an at-fault party’s auto liability insurance or business liability policy.

The insurance provider can either choose to accept the claim, deny the claim, or offer to settle the claim out-of-court for less than its established value. However, the claim can also be filed as a personal injury lawsuit in civil court for a court to determine liability and order compensation.

Personal injury claims can allow you to recover compensation for things that are not covered by workers’ compensation, including pain and suffering and emotional distress.

How Long Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Last?

In Michigan, workers’ compensation benefits last as long as the worker continues to be disabled by the injury. At age 65, benefits will be reduced to account for compensation available through Social Security or other retirement programs.

The benefits will continue to decrease up to 5 percent each year until the recipient reaches 75 years old. Permanent benefits can also decrease if you recover compensation through a personal injury claim, other employer-funded benefits, and benefits offered by different programs.

Returning to Work After the Injury

The goal for most injured workers, their employers, and workers’ compensation insurance providers—is for the employee to recover from their injury and return to work. As the worker’s physician continues to treat them and monitor their recovery, the employee will be subject to tests to determine whether they can do job-related tasks such as standing, sitting, or lifting.

Sometimes, a workers’ compensation insurer will order an independent medical evaluation, which is an evaluation performed by a physician of the insurance company’s choice who does not regularly treat the patient. Insurers do this to claim that they have greater clarity about the worker’s ability to perform job-related tasks, but these “independent” evaluators are rarely the best judge of your circumstances. Michigan law requires workers’ compensation claimants to submit to an independent medical examination if requested.

The Type of Disability Benefits Available Through Workers’ Comp

Depending on the type and duration of your injury, there are four types of disability benefits available through a workers’ compensation claim that seek to replace a portion of the wages that the worker cannot earn due to their injury.

  1. Temporary partial disability benefits replace a portion of the wages lost for injured workers who can still perform some job-related tasks. The worker may be put on light duty or reduced work hours while they recover.
  2. Temporary total disability benefits provide wage replacement for workers who temporarily cannot at all work due to their injury.
  3. Permanent partial disability benefits are available for workers who can no longer perform the tasks of the job they had when the injury occurred, but who can perform the tasks of another, lower-paying job.
  4. Permanent total disability benefits are available for workers whose injuries are believed to be permanent and substantially prevent them from performing the required tasks of any job. These benefits are typically available throughout the sufferer’s life, though they will decrease when the worker reaches the age of 65 and again at age 75.

The construction industry has the greatest number of fatal work-related injuries nationwide. Workers’ compensation also provides death benefits for the family members of workers killed on the job. Death benefits in Michigan would include wage replacement for 500 weeks following the death of the worker or longer if the deceased worker had dependent children.

How an Attorney Can Help with Your Claim

While workers’ compensation programs provide an easy way for workers to obtain the assistance they need to recover from a job-related accident, the process is often confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming. Fortunately, many personal injury lawyers are workers’ compensation lawyers and provide a wealth of experience, resources, and assistance for injured workers.

Some of the services an attorney can provide to injured construction workers include:

  • Assistance in determining the best avenue for obtaining compensation. As noted, some construction site accidents result from third-party negligence and a personal injury claim can lead to additional compensation. In contrast, workers’ compensation covers any claim against your employer or co-worker. An attorney will investigate the accident to determine the source of liability.
  • Assistance in filing a workers’ compensation claim. An employer most often files this type of claim. However, the employee can also file the claim if the employer has not done so. Individuals in this situation can obtain assistance with filing the claim.
  • Legal representation during an independent medical examination. Insurers often order these examinations if they believe the worker is being less than truthful about the nature and severity of their injury. An attorney can explain the examination process to the worker and even attend the examination to ensure the worker’s fair treatment.
  • Legal representation when appealing a workers’ compensation decision. Workers can appeal decisions about whether they qualify for benefits and how much they can receive in wage replacement. Suppose the worker feels the workers’ compensation insurer made a wrong decision about their coverage. In that case, an attorney can help the worker gather the information necessary to prove their right to compensation and can present the case at hearings that occur as part of the appellate process.
  • Assistance in negotiating a single payment for certain injuries. In addition to wage replacement while the worker recovers from their injury, lump sum payments can pay for a permanent loss of body function, such as a traumatic amputation resulting in the loss of an arm or a chemical incident that causes a worker to lose their eyesight.
  • Assistance expediting payments and fixing other administrative errors.

The experienced attorneys at Gruel Mills regularly handle personal injury claims that arise at construction sites. Although we do not handle the workers’ compensation process, we can refer you to another attorney we trust if you need representation. We are happy to review your situation and see if you may have a personal injury claim against any third party.

Affording an Experienced Construction Accident Attorney

Many injured workers are reluctant to seek the assistance of an experienced construction accident attorney because they don’t believe they can afford one. This reaction is reasonable, seeing how the individual cannot work due to their injury and is likely facing quickly mounting expenses.

However, most attorneys who practice this area of the law, including Gruel Mills, ensure that anyone who was injured and needs legal assistance can afford their assistance.

The contingent fee billing method allows the injured worker to hire an attorney without paying any hourly fees or retainer. If or when the claim is resolved in the injured workers’ favor, a percentage of the settlement or judgment is used to pay the attorney for their services. The personal injury attorney and worker will sign a contingent fee agreement when they start working together that will spell out how this will work.

Additionally, Gruel Mills offers free consultations, with no obligation to hire us. We can review the circumstances of your injury and help you understand if it is worth pursuing a third party negligence claim. Call us today to set up your free consultation.

Should I Seek Legal Help After a Construction Accident?

April 10th, 2023 by Stacey

After a construction accident, determining who is liable is complex and difficult. You need to figure out exactly what happened and whether someone was negligent in creating the hazard. Even with that information, the law is complicated on who can be held responsible for creating or allowing the danger to exist. Workers’ compensation may not be your only option.

Navigating these cases without legal help would be exceptionally challenging and likely ineffective. With an experienced construction accident attorney in your corner, you have the opportunity to seek fair compensation when you are injured due to the fault of another person on the job site.

Reasons to Seek Legal Help After a Construction Accident

If you or a loved one sustains injuries in a construction accident, a lawyer can help you complete all the steps necessary to obtain full compensation.

Legal Knowledge

Should I Seek Legal Help After a Construction Accident?An experienced construction accident attorney knows all of the nuances of the law that are necessary to navigate your claim, and keeps up with changes in the law. Information you find on the internet may be outdated, from a different state with different laws, or just wrong. Navigating your claim without a lawyer is nearly impossible.

Legal knowledge plays a major role in determining liability, proving negligence, negotiating a fair settlement, and presenting your case in court.

Local Experience

Experienced attorneys know:

  • How to build a strong case
  • How to negotiate with local companies
  • Where to find expert witnesses
  • How local insurance companies and judges make their decisions
  • How to use local laws in your favor

Such experience helps you to avoid mistakes and gives you the best chance of recovering damages.

Filing Documents

Each construction accident claim involves a significant amount of paperwork. Without legal assistance, it’s easy to miss deadlines, make errors, or even file the wrong documents. All of this can slow down your case or lead to lower compensation.

The attorney handles all the case-related paperwork. They know when and how to file claims, notify involved parties, request evidence, and much more. By taking care of these tasks, they are contributing to the success of your case.

Higher Compensation

You can usually count on a settlement if you have a strong case and plenty of evidence to support it. However, the size of that settlement depends on many factors, the main one being your ability to negotiate.

Attorneys know how to leverage evidence and the opposing side’s errors to conduct successful negotiations. Without legal assistance, an insurance company or the at-fault party’s attorneys can easily pressure you into making the wrong decision.

Peace of mind

If you’ve sustained injuries in a construction accident, you need time and space to recover from them. Dealing with legal issues during this recovery time can be frustrating and draining.

By delegating legal matters to a professional, you are gaining valuable time to deal with your injuries or to grieve the death of a loved one.

What a Construction Accident Attorney Can Do

If you are an employee who sustained injuries while working at a construction site, you can file a workers’ compensation claim. For that, you don’t usually need legal assistance.

However, workers’ compensation only covers reimbursement for medical expenses and lost wages. This insurance doesn’t cover pain and suffering or property damage.

Filing a workers’ comp claim is usually straightforward because you are entitled to benefits regardless of fault. Yet, there are cases where the employer or insurer denies the claim, or a third party is responsible for causing the injury. In these cases, or if you aren’t an employee, you need an attorney to help you file a personal injury claim or lawsuit. An experienced construction accident attorney can help you navigate the case and fight for the money you deserve. Your lawyer will:

Identify Liable Parties

In a construction accident, there are many parties who may be held liable:

  • Construction companies – If you aren’t an employee of the general contractor or the subcontractor responsible for the hazard, you can file a claim with that contractor’s insurance company or sue the company directly. If you are an employee of the contractor, you can only file a workers’ compensation claim unless the employer committed an intentional tort.
  • Property owners – The person who owns the property or has control over it has duties to the people who work there, including warning about or fixing certain dangerous conditions. The property owner or possessor may be liable for your injuries under premises liability laws if they don’t do that.
  • Another construction worker – Another worker may be liable for the accident if they demonstrate negligence with equipment or materials and cause your injuries. If it is a coworker also employed by your employer, workers’ compensation is still the only remedy. If it is an employee of another contractor or subcontractor, you may seek compensation from the employee personally or through vicarious liability.
  • Architects or engineers – Mistakes made by architects or engineers could compromise the building, structure, or land and cause an accident.
  • Equipment manufacturers – If construction equipment malfunctions and injures an employee, the manufacturer can be responsible under product liability laws.

Identifying liable parties is key to filing a claim and recovering damages. The case becomes complex when more than one party is responsible for your injuries. An attorney makes sure that you file claims and lawsuits against the right people or companies to have an opportunity to obtain maximum compensation.

Investigate the Accident

Proving negligence, premises liability, or product liability requires the victim to conduct an investigation and collect relevant evidence. An attorney can visit the accident site, speak to eyewitnesses, and obtain other evidence on your behalf.

Common evidence in a construction accident case is:

  • Photos and video of the accident site (If you didn’t take photos or videos on the day of the accident, an attorney can return and get it for you or obtain what was taken by others.)
  • Documentation of your injuries
  • Eyewitness testimonies
  • Broken equipment that caused your injuries
  • Medical bills, prescriptions, and doctors’ reports
  • Expert witness testimony

An experienced attorney knows exactly what evidence you need to build a strong case and helps you obtain it.

Prove Negligence

If you want to recover damages in a personal injury case, you need to prove the at-fault party’s negligence.

To do that, you must show:

  • The liable party’s legal duty of care
  • Breach of the legal duty of care
  • Injuries that occurred due to the breach
  • Damages incurred due to the injuries

An attorney can help you prove the at-fault party’s negligence, which is a vital step to damage recovery.

In Michigan, construction accidents are the leading cause of work-related deaths. If your loved one died in a construction accident, an attorney could help you prove negligence and file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Negotiate With the Insurance Company

If you file an injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company, you need to know how to handle negotiations. Insurance companies are very reluctant to provide generous compensation. Adjusters work hard to minimize the value of your claim.

That’s why negotiations can be tedious, emotionally straining, and slow. If you are still recovering from serious injuries and need money urgently, it is easy to pressure you into accepting a low settlement. If you accept the first offer, however, you lose an opportunity to get a fair settlement that will compensate you for all of your losses and take care of your future needs.

If you hire an attorney, they can handle the entire negotiation process. Since legal professionals know exactly what you are entitled to, the insurance company will not be able to get away with lowball offers. Whether to accept a settlement offer is always your decision to make, but your attorney can help you understand if the offer is fair and your chances of getting a better verdict at trial.

Take Your Case to Court

While some construction accident cases settle before a lawsuit is filed, most of the time you must file a complaint with the court and conduct discovery (evidence gathering) before a settlement is reached. Most cases ultimately settle, but a few do proceed to trial.

Court proceedings are complex, time-consuming, and emotionally taxing. An attorney can handle all the legal filings and evidence gathering, and they will file documents on time, build a strong case, and present it to the judge and jury.

Michigan law doesn’t require the victim of a construction accident to hire an attorney. However, going to court without one can significantly hinder your chances of obtaining any compensation.

Provide Valuable Advice and Support

Construction accident cases are rarely quick and easy. You have to make numerous decisions to avoid an unfavorable outcome. An attorney can help you avoid common mistakes. Meanwhile, they can offer emotional support throughout the case.

People recovering from construction site injuries or grieving the loss of a loved one rarely have the emotional resources to handle legal action. A lawyer takes care of all case-related tasks and guides you through the difficult times.

In most cases, the at-fault party will have an attorney working on its side. If you don’t have a law license, trying to outdo a legal professional working against you is a losing battle. That makes hiring an attorney a very good idea.

When to Seek Legal Help After a Construction Accident

Your road to obtaining fair compensation begins the moment you get hurt. Everything you do can contribute to the success of your case. That makes hiring an attorney as soon as possible a great idea.

Good reasons to hire an attorney quickly include:

  • An attorney can conduct an investigation and collect evidence while it is still fresh.
  • A lawyer can speak to eyewitnesses before their memories fade, they leave town, or they talk to other parties who may muddle their memory of the event.
  • A legal professional can keep you from making mistakes that could compromise your case, such as missing the statute of limitations or not including a defendant who could be held liable.
  • An attorney can advise you against accepting an unreasonable settlement because they know how much your case is worth.

Thus, it is important to hire a lawyer as long as possible before the statute of limitations expires.

Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is the time you have to file a lawsuit after a construction accident. If you do not file suit within this time, the court will dismiss your case.

In Michigan, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is three years from your injuries or when you discovered them. However, there are some exceptions that give you more time to file a claim, including:

  • Mental disability – If the victim cannot understand their rights at the time of the accident due to a mental disability, they have a year after recovering to file a claim.
  • Minor – If the victim is under 18 years old at the time of the accident, they have until their 10th birthday, 15th birthday, or 19th birthday to file a claim, depending on their age and type of injuries.
  • Absence – If the at-fault party is out of state and you can’t serve them, the statute of limitations is paused.

It is best to hire a lawyer as soon as possible after an accident so that the attorney can make sure you file your claims on time and the evidence is preserved. However, you can still hire a personal injury lawyer if months or even years have passed since the accident. Gruel Mills offers free case reviews and can help you understand your rights and evaluate whether you should pursue a lawsuit.

Should I Hire a Construction Accident Attorney?

April 10th, 2023 by Stacey

Construction sites are inherently dangerous. Large equipment, raw materials, and projects in various stages of completion mean there is always something to watch out for. This means property owners and general contractors have a huge responsibility to keep construction workers safe.

Sadly, year after year, thousands of workers get injured or killed in construction site accidents. If you or someone you love suffered injuries in a construction accident, help is available. By hiring a construction accident attorney, you can obtain financial compensation for the injuries, losses, and difficulties you now face.

Why You Should Hire A Construction Accident Attorney

If you suffered injuries in a construction accident, you have the right to receive financial compensation. This may be workers’ compensation, or it may be damages for negligence. Unfortunately, you cannot count on automatically receiving the money you deserve. You may need to fight for full (or even partial) payment, and it’s generally not a fight you can handle on your own.

Hiring a construction accident lawyer is the most reliable way to get the money owed to you. Here’s an explanation of what a lawyer can do.

A Lawyer Can Ensure You Get Your Full Workers’ Comp Benefits

Should I Hire a Construction Accident Attorney?As a construction worker, you are entitled to benefits for nearly any on-the-job injury. Your employer should have a workers’ compensation policy, which is a type of no-fault insurance.  In most cases, this policy will pay benefits to injured construction workers no matter who caused a construction accident, and even if the accident was partially or totally a worker’s fault.

Workers’ comp gives you the financial support you need to heal from your construction accident injuries and return to work. Standard workers’ compensation  benefits include:

  • Medical benefits that pay for all necessary and reasonable medical treatments related to a construction accident injury, including costs of emergency care, hospitalization, doctor visits, surgeries, medication, and physical therapy.
  • Wage replacement benefits that pay a portion of your regular wages for the time that your construction accident injury keeps you out of work.
  • Permanent disability (PD) or permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits, which replace a portion of your income on a long-term basis or pay you a single lump sum if the construction accident injury you suffered leaves you partially or completely disabled in a way that interferes with your ability to work.
  • Vocational/retraining benefits that pay for training in a new field if your construction accident injuries prevent you from returning to your previous job but you would be able to perform other jobs if you had training.
  • Death benefits that pay for medical, funeral, burial expenses, and lost income, in the event a construction accident causes a worker’s death.

In a perfect world, workers’ compensation insurance companies would make it easy for injured workers to claim benefits and would quickly pay workers’ claims in full. Unfortunately, this is far from a perfect world. Workers’ comp insurance companies are infamous for making it more difficult than necessary to make a claim and for trying every tactic to reduce or flat-out deny a worker’s claim.

That’s where hiring a construction accident injury attorney comes in. A skilled lawyer can fight back against the workers’ compensation insurance company’s tactics and get you full benefits. A lawyer can prepare and pursue a claim on your behalf, appeal a claim denial, and even take the workers’ comp carrier to court if necessary to get your benefits.

A Lawyer Can Explore and Enforce Your Rights to Additional Compensation

For some workers injured in construction accidents, workers’ compensation represents the only form of financial compensation they will receive. In Michigan, the workers’ compensation law prevents injured workers from suing their employers or coworkers for damages, even if unsafe workplace conditions led to the accident.

However, workers’ compensation does not prevent you from suing any other person or company if they were at fault for your injuries. Another subcontractor, the general contractor, or the land owner may be wholly or partially to blame for a construction accident. In those situations, the third party may owe money damages to the injured worker over and above any money the injured worker receives from workers’ comp.

The best way to bring a claim against an at-fault third party is to hire an experienced construction accident attorney to take legal action on your behalf. An attorney can investigate the incident, negotiate with the at-fault third party’s liability insurance company, sue the at-fault third party in court, and more.

Third-party legal actions can result in injured construction workers receiving compensation for things that are not covered by workers’ compensation. Most significantly, you can receive compensation for the pain, suffering, and impact to your life caused by your injuries. These non-economic damages are not covered at all by workers’ compensation benefits. You can also seek payment for any medical treatments and lost wages not covered by workers’ comp.

Lawyers can often resolve these claims by negotiating settlements with the third party or the third party’s insurer. But the best construction accident attorney for you will also have the ability and track record to win a judgment or jury verdict in court if that’s what it takes to get results.

A Lawyer Can Advocate For Your Interests

Construction accidents, especially large-scale ones, sometimes attract the attention of the media, law enforcement, and official investigators. The last thing you need while healing from an injury is to worry about what to say to those parties. But a lawyer can interact with them on your behalf and protect your rights if you need to give a statement.

Construction accidents can also send property owners, developers, contractors, and others with a commercial stake in a project scrambling to protect themselves from financial liability. They may run to a bankruptcy court or start pointing the finger at each other (or you). By hiring a construction accident lawyer, you can ensure that any steps those parties take do not unduly impact your ability to receive financial compensation for the harm you suffered.

A Lawyer Can Serve as Your Advisor

A primary goal of a great construction accident attorney is to ensure you make good, well-informed decisions that put you in the most favorable position possible when your case is over. In that sense, a lawyer serves as your trusted advisor—someone who has seen many others confront the same choices you now face and can give sensible, smart advice about how you can achieve your own goals and priorities.

Hiring a Construction Accident Attorney Costs You Nothing Now and Nothing Unless You Win

With all the benefits a construction accident attorney can provide, you might think hiring one would cost you an arm and a leg. But believe it or not, that’s not so. In fact, it costs you nothing upfront to hire an experienced construction accident lawyer at Gruel Mills to represent you.

Gruel Mills offers a free consultation to injured construction workers and their families. This consultation provides workers and their loved ones a risk-free, cost-free opportunity to learn about their rights and options for seeking compensation. Even if they decide not to hire a lawyer who consults with them, the consultation does not cost them a dime.

And that’s not all. Gruel Mills represents those injured in a construction accident on a contingent fee basis. That means we do not charge up-front or hourly fees for our services. Instead, we do our legal work in exchange for a percentage of any money we recover for you. In other words, we only get paid if you get paid.

We won’t take your case if we don’t think there is a good chance you will be successful. But in the rare case that you do not receive a settlement or a favorable judgment, you are not responsible for paying us for our work. At most, you may be responsible for limited costs, such as filing fees.

So, hiring a skilled construction accident attorney has many benefits and you can absolutely afford it. Call Gruel Mills today for your free consultation.

The Risks of Going Another Day Without a Construction Accident Attorney

If you’ve read this far, you know now that there’s no reason not to hire a construction accident attorney. But you still may wonder: Do I really need to hire one today?

We believe that for most people in your position, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” Here’s why.

You Have Deadlines to Meet

Your ability to receive workers’ compensation benefits or other compensation for your construction accident injuries likely depends on meeting a series of deadlines.

These may include:

  • A deadline for notifying your employer of your injury;
  • A deadline for seeking medical care;
  • A deadline for submitting workers’ compensation claim paperwork;
  • A deadline for appealing a workers’ compensation claim denial;
  • A deadline for notifying a third party of a claim against them;
  • A deadline for filing a third-party lawsuit or insurance claim.

Deadlines can vary widely. You may have just days or weeks after your construction accident to meet some of them, just months to meet others, and just a year or two to meet others. Missing any of these deadlines, however, could put your rights to payment for medical care, lost wages, and other damages in jeopardy and may cause you to lose your right to compensation altogether.

Therefore, when healing from a serious injury, you should not have to trouble yourself with worrying about a missed deadline. Hiring a construction accident attorney takes care of that issue for you. Among the many services they provide, attorneys take the steps necessary to meet the deadlines important to preserving their clients’ rights.

At-Fault Parties and Insurers May Take Advantage of You

This is a vulnerable time in your life. The parties at fault for your construction accident and the insurance companies that may have an obligation to pay for your injuries know this and, unfortunately, may try to take advantage of your situation for their benefit.

Insurance companies, in particular, have a reputation for doing everything they can to limit their financial liability for an accident. They sometimes use high-pressure tactics, like calling you and insisting that you must give them a recorded interview or dangling a settlement offer that will expire soon if you do not accept it.

Hiring a lawyer protects you from these shenanigans. An attorney can serve as your representative in all dealings with at-fault parties, their lawyers, and their insurance companies. This ensures that you will not mistakenly give up your rights or cave to undue pressure from a defense lawyer or an insurance adjuster.

Time Takes a Toll on Your Case

To get you the most money and benefits possible, a lawyer must present evidence and legal arguments in your favor. The sooner an attorney can get started preparing your case, the better.

As time passes, it can become increasingly difficult to locate and obtain evidence and convince an insurance company, defense lawyer, judge, or jury that you have a winning case. For example, witnesses tend to have the clearest memories in the days after a construction accident. As time passes, they forget potentially important details, weakening their testimony. Similarly, it’s far easier to collect video and physical evidence of how a construction accident happened in the moments and days afterward than to try to reconstruct that evidence months or years later.

Hiring a lawyer as soon as possible limits the potential harm that the passage of time can have on your rights. Once hired, a lawyer can act quickly to locate evidence, interview witnesses, and put at-fault parties and insurers on notice that you intend to pursue your claim aggressively.

Call an Experienced Construction Accident Attorney Today

Seasoned construction accident injury lawyers understand the challenges you face in the aftermath of getting hurt on a job site. They want to help. But you have to take the first step by reaching out.

So do not wait any longer. If you were injured in a construction site accident, you have potentially valuable rights to compensation for your injuries. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer at Gruel Mills today for a free consultation to learn more about your rights.

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